What is the explanation of idiom;a ripe age

a ripe old age = the age of an old person

It is an age that is considered to be very old. Here is the example for you:

He lived to the ripe old age of 91.

The phrase "a ripe age" is an idiom that means someone has reached an advanced or mature stage of their life. It implies that the person has experienced a significant number of years and has acquired wisdom or expertise as a result of their age.

To understand the meaning of idioms, it can be helpful to consider the individual words and their usual definitions. In this case, "ripe" typically refers to a stage of full development or readiness, often associated with fruit being ready to eat. Similarly, "age" refers to the number of years a person has lived.

To fully grasp the context and meaning of idioms like "a ripe age," it can be beneficial to read or listen to the phrase in different contexts or conversations. Paying attention to the scenario or situation in which an idiom is used can help you infer its meaning. Additionally, consulting dictionaries, idiom databases, or language resources can provide detailed explanations and examples of usage.

In conclusion, "a ripe age" is an idiom used to describe someone who has reached an advanced or mature stage of their life, and understanding its meaning often involves analyzing the individual words and considering the context of its usage.