1. When reading a recipe's ingredients, which substance makes the recipe an unhealthy choice if it is present in a high amount?

A. Fiber
B. Protein
C. Trans fat***
D. Unsaturated fat

2. Of the five food groups, which one should be consumed in the smallest amount?

A. Dairy***
B. Fruits
C. Grains
D. Protein

3. Which food would be considered to be a nutrient-poor snack choice?

A. Low-fat yogurt
B. Nuts and raisins
C. Fruit-filled donuts***
D. Raw vegetables

4. Which of the following foods in high in protein?

A. Apple
B. Carrot
C. Chicken***
D. Pasta

5. Your doctor tells you that you and your twin sister have the same basal metabolic (BMR). You live independent lives and do your own things, so how can that be? Which factor is likely the reason?

A. Your age
B. Your appetites
C. Your required Daily Values***
D. Your hunger

6. The purpose of the Dietary Guidelines for Americans is to (1) provide information on making smart food choices, (2) balance food intake with physical activity, (3) get the most nutrition out of the calories you consume, and one other important factor. Which activity demonstrates the fourth purpose of the guidelines?

A. Ignoring a 30-day cabbage-only fad diet in order to lose weight
B. Calculating your BMI
C. Comparing the contents of the chips and whole wheat crackers you want to buy***
D. Washing your hands thoroughly after seasoning raw chicken

7. Ben noticed that his BMI places him as overweight. He would like to lose a few pounds to achieve a healthy weight. Which of the following choices will best help him lose extra pounds and maintain a healthy weight?

A. He should identify his eating habits and develop strategies to eat healthier***
B. He should follow a new fad diet, which requires taking diet pills
C. He should continue his current eating habits, he is only a few pounds overweight
D. He should exercise 4 hours a day for one week, then go back to his current habits

8. Why is fiber necessary for proper functioning of the digestive system?

A. It creates cell membranes, nerve tissue and substances that aid in the digestion of fat
B. It helps proper functioning of the digestive system and prevents constipation***
C. It is important for cardiovascular health and can help fight heart disease
D. It supplies energy for your body's functions

9. To eat more healthful and decrease your calorie intake, MyPlate recommends that you

A. eat breakfast, lunch and dinner with no snacks in between meals
B. Eliminate starchy vegetables like potatoes, corn and lima beans that are high in carbohydrates
C. Drink fruit juice for extra nutrients, instead of water, when eating out
D. Vary your protein by sometimes choosing kidney, garbanzo or navy beans or peas***

10. A Daily Value of 10% means that

A. 10% of your calories should come from a particular nutrient
B. A food consists of 10% of a particular nutrient
C. A food package can bear the nutrient claim "light"
D. One serving provides 10% of the daily amount for a particular nutrient***

Any help is extremely appreciated.

I think they are all correct, except that I'm not sure about 6.

Wait dose this *** mean the answer

What Are The Right Answers?


1. To identify the substance that makes the recipe an unhealthy choice if it is present in a high amount, you need to analyze the options provided. Read the question carefully and understand the context. The substance that is generally considered unhealthy when consumed in high amounts is trans fat. Look for this option in the given choices, which in this case is option C.

2. To determine the food group that should be consumed in the smallest amount, you need to be familiar with the five food groups. Read each option and think about the quantity that should be consumed. The food group that should generally be consumed in the smallest amount is dairy. Choose option A.

3. To identify the nutrient-poor snack choice, you need to understand what makes a food nutrient-poor. Read the options and think about which choice lacks essential nutrients. In this case, fruit-filled donuts are likely to be considered a nutrient-poor snack choice due to their high sugar and calorie content. Choose option C.

4. To identify the food that is high in protein, you need to understand which foods are commonly associated with protein. Review each option and think about which one is known for its protein content. In this case, chicken is a well-known source of protein. Choose option C.

5. To understand why your doctor may say that you and your twin sister have the same basal metabolic rate (BMR), you need to consider the factors that affect BMR. Think about each option and its relevance to BMR. It is likely that the factor that affects your BMR, even though you and your twin sister have the same rate, is your required Daily Values. Choose option C.

6. To identify the activity that demonstrates the fourth purpose of the Dietary Guidelines for Americans, you need to understand the purpose of these guidelines. Review each option and think about which one aligns with one of the purposes stated. Comparing the contents of the chips and whole wheat crackers you want to buy demonstrates the purpose of getting the most nutrition out of the calories you consume. Choose option C.

7. To help Ben lose extra pounds and maintain a healthy weight, analyze the options provided and think about the best approach for weight loss. Strategies that involve identifying eating habits and developing healthier strategies are typically the best way to achieve sustainable weight loss. Choose option A.

8. To understand why fiber is necessary for proper functioning of the digestive system, you need to know what fiber does. Analyze each option and think about the role of fiber in digestion. Fiber helps proper functioning of the digestive system and prevents constipation. Choose option B.

9. To learn how to eat more healthfully and decrease calorie intake according to MyPlate recommendations, you need to understand the principles of MyPlate. Analyze each option and think about which one aligns with MyPlate's recommendations. Choosing protein from different sources like kidney, garbanzo, or navy beans or peas helps vary your protein intake and is in line with MyPlate recommendations. Choose option D.

10. To understand what a Daily Value of 10% means, you need to be familiar with the concept of Daily Values. Analyze each option and consider which one accurately reflects the concept of Daily Values. A Daily Value of 10% means that one serving of a particular food provides 10% of the daily amount for a specific nutrient. Choose option D.

alot of these are wrong!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!