Bill's average score for 10 test was 88. If his lowest score, 70, is not counted, what was his average for the remaining test?

10 * 88 = 880

880 - 70 = 810

810 / 9 = 90

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88•10 -70 divide by 9

To find Bill's average score for the remaining tests after the lowest score of 70 is not counted, you need to follow these steps:

Step 1: Find the sum of all his test scores.
The average score is calculated by summing up all the test scores and dividing it by the total number of tests.

Sum of all test scores = Average score * Total number of tests
Sum of all test scores = 88 * 10
Sum of all test scores = 880

Step 2: Subtract the lowest score from the sum of all test scores.
Subtracting the lowest score removes it from the total sum of scores.

Remaining sum of scores = Sum of all test scores - Lowest score
Remaining sum of scores = 880 - 70
Remaining sum of scores = 810

Step 3: Calculate the average of the remaining scores.
Divide the remaining sum of scores by the total number of tests excluding the lowest score.

Average for the remaining tests = Remaining sum of scores / (Total number of tests - 1)
Average for the remaining tests = 810 / (10 - 1)
Average for the remaining tests = 810 / 9
Average for the remaining tests = 90

Therefore, Bill's average score for the remaining tests, after excluding the lowest score of 70, is 90.