Indentify the products of the following reaction:

Al + NaOH -> ?

H2 gas is one product. Can you do half equations? If so

Al==> Al(OH)4^-
OH^- ==> H2
in basic solution.

does this make sense?

Al +NaOH -> H2 + Na3Al

No, it doesn't. Why didn't you get OH^- in there somewhere.

Al ==> Al^+3 + 3e
OH^- ==> H2 + .....


Like wat grade r y in that is like so hard wat shcool do u go to ? tell thim to stop givin u work

To identify the products of the reaction between aluminum (Al) and sodium hydroxide (NaOH), we need to understand the reaction type and the properties of the reactants.

The reaction between a metal and a strong base usually results in the formation of a salt and the release of hydrogen gas. In this case, aluminum reacts with sodium hydroxide to form a salt and hydrogen gas.

The balanced chemical equation for the reaction is:

2 Al + 6 NaOH -> 2 Na3AlO3 + 3 H2

The products of the reaction are sodium aluminate (Na3AlO3) and hydrogen gas (H2). Sodium aluminate is the salt formed when aluminum replaces hydrogen in sodium hydroxide.

So, the products of the reaction between aluminum and sodium hydroxide are sodium aluminate (Na3AlO3) and hydrogen gas (H2).