3. Which philosophers of the European Enlightenment influenced the founding documents of American government through their theory of social contract?

A. Michel de Montaigne and Denis Diderot
B. Charles de Montesquieu and Mary Wollstonecraft
C. Thomas Hobbes and John Locke***
D. Isaac Newton and Voltair.

4. The want of concert, arising the want of a general authority and from clashing and dissimilar views in the State, has hitherto frustracted every experiment….., and will continue to do so as long as the same obstacles to a uniformity of measures continue to exist.
-Federalist No. 22
Based on this quote, how did Alexander Hamilton see the role of the judicial branch of federal government?
A. He believed the federal judiciary should be able to decide which laws were passed if Congress and the president could not agree.***
B. He believed the federal judiciary should be able to prevent bills passed by congress from becoming a law.
C. He believed the federal judiciary should be able to impeach judges in state courts if they abused their power.
D. He believed the federal judiciary should be able to settle state disputes, override state laws, and provide uniformity to the law.

Btw it is supposed to be hitherto FRUSTRATED. Sorry about typo.

4. D?

Yes, 4. D.

3. To determine which philosophers of the European Enlightenment influenced the founding documents of American government through their theory of social contract, we can break down the answer choices:

A. Michel de Montaigne and Denis Diderot - Montaigne was known for his skepticism and introspective writings, while Diderot was a prominent figure in the Encyclopedie movement. While their contributions to philosophy are significant, their ideas on social contract were not as influential in shaping the founding documents of the American government.

B. Charles de Montesquieu and Mary Wollstonecraft - Montesquieu is best known for his theory of separation of powers, which greatly influenced the structure of the American government. Mary Wollstonecraft, on the other hand, focused more on women's rights and education, which were not directly related to the theory of social contract.

C. Thomas Hobbes and John Locke - Hobbes and Locke are the correct answer. Hobbes wrote about the need for a strong central authority to avoid the state of nature, while Locke emphasized the natural rights of individuals and the idea that government's power should be derived from the consent of the governed. These ideas greatly influenced the Founding Fathers and are reflected in the U.S. Constitution.

D. Isaac Newton and Voltaire - Newton was a renowned mathematician and physicist, while Voltaire was a prominent Enlightenment thinker. However, their contributions did not specifically focus on the theory of social contract.

Therefore, the correct answer is C. Thomas Hobbes and John Locke.

4. Based on the quote from Federalist No. 22, Alexander Hamilton saw the role of the judicial branch of the federal government as follows:

A. He believed the federal judiciary should be able to decide which laws were passed if Congress and the president could not agree.

The quote suggests that Hamilton believed that without a general authority and uniformity of measures, progress and success would be hindered. This implies that Hamilton believed the federal judiciary should have the power to settle disputes and provide uniformity to the law. The option A matches this interpretation, as it mentions the role of the federal judiciary in deciding which laws were passed if there was a lack of agreement between Congress and the president.

Therefore, the correct answer is A. He believed the federal judiciary should be able to decide which laws were passed if Congress and the president could not agree.

3 - yes

4 - no