Which of the following lines of poetry contains a simile?

1.The smell of sweet happiness swirls from the bakery door.

2.The last bird-song of the day greets the night's first star.

3.(Drops floated on the pool like pearls.)

4.Moonlight spilled on the meadow.


Drops floated on the pool like pearls.

Simile's use like or as

To identify which of the following lines of poetry contains a simile, you need to understand what a simile is. A simile is a figure of speech that compares two unlike things using "like" or "as." It typically expresses similarity or vividly describes something by comparing it to something else.

Now let's analyze the lines of poetry:

1. "The smell of sweet happiness swirls from the bakery door."
This line does not contain a simile. It describes the smell of sweet happiness but does not make a direct comparison using "like" or "as."

2. "The last bird-song of the day greets the night's first star."
This line also does not contain a simile. It describes the bird-song greeting the night's first star, but it does not use "like" or "as" to make a comparison.

3. "(Drops floated on the pool like pearls.)"
This line contains a simile. It directly compares drops floating on the pool to pearls using the word "like." The use of "like" in this line indicates a simile.

4. "Moonlight spilled on the meadow."
This line does not contain a simile. It describes moonlight spilling on the meadow but does not make a direct comparison using "like" or "as."

Therefore, the line that contains a simile is: (3) "(Drops floated on the pool like pearls)."