How do you solve x- 4/5 = 12/15

x- 4/5 = 12/15

x = 12/15 + 12/15

x = 24/15 = 1 9/15 = 1 3/5

x- 4/5 = 12/15

x = 4/5 + 12/15
x = 12/15 + 12/15 = 24/15 = 8/5

To solve the equation x - 4/5 = 12/15, we need to isolate the variable x.

Step 1: Start by simplifying both sides of the equation. The fraction 4/5 can be simplified by multiplying both the numerator and denominator by 3, resulting in 12/15.

x - 12/15 = 12/15

Step 2: Now, we want to get rid of the fraction on the left side of the equation. We can do this by finding a common denominator and combining the fractions.

Since both fractions have a denominator of 15, we can combine them into a single fraction:

(x - 12)/15 = 12/15

Step 3: Now that we have a single fraction, we can eliminate the denominators by multiplying both sides of the equation by 15. This will cancel out the denominators.

15 * [(x - 12)/15] = 15 * (12/15)

On the left side, the denominator of 15 cancels out, leaving us with (x - 12). On the right side, the 15 in the numerator and the denominator cancels out, leaving us with 12.

x - 12 = 12

Step 4: Finally, to isolate the variable x, we need to move the constant term (-12) to the other side of the equation by adding 12 to both sides.

x - 12 + 12 = 12 + 12

On the left side, the -12 and +12 cancel out, leaving us with x. On the right side, 12 + 12 equals 24.

x = 24

Therefore, the solution to the equation x - 4/5 = 12/15 is x = 24.