The importance of being earnest play please help me

20. Briefly explain two ways the play is either reflective of the Victorian culture or shows the influence of Restoration comedy. Respond in complete sentences.

21. Identify and explain how symbolism is used in the play. Respond in complete sentences. You may discuss the symbolism of food as it was described in the lessons.

22. Give an example of how Oscar Wilde uses irony to achieve social commentary in the play. You can discuss the irony of the title. Respond in complete sentences.

23. The Importance of Being Earnest presents characters who live for one thing and one thing only—to do whatever will bring them pleasure. What message does the play get across regarding the pursuit of pleasure? Is the message positive or negative? Give specific examples from the play to explain your response.

20. To address the first question about the play's reflection of Victorian culture or its influence from Restoration comedy, there are two notable aspects to consider. Firstly, The Importance of Being Earnest reflects the societal norms and values of the Victorian era. The play presents characters who are obsessed with superficial appearances, social status, and adhering to societal expectations. The emphasis on manners, propriety, and the importance placed on marriage and wealth are all indicative of Victorian culture.

Secondly, the play also shows the influence of Restoration comedy. This genre was known for its wit, satire, and exploration of societal expectations and conventions. The Importance of Being Earnest cleverly employs wordplay, puns, and humorous situations to satirize the hypocrisy and pretensions of the upper class. The use of mistaken identities and farcical elements, common in Restoration comedy, also adds to the comedic nature of the play.

21. Symbolism is a key element in The Importance of Being Earnest, and food serves as a symbol throughout the play. Food is often used to represent desire, pleasure, and indulgence. For example, when Algernon first discovers the identity of Cecily, he exclaims, "A cucumber sandwich!... I forgot them." This seemingly innocuous line is a metaphorical representation of Algernon's curiosity and desire for more information about Cecily. The cucumber sandwich symbolizes his craving for knowledge, just as one would crave a delicious snack. Additionally, the consumption of muffins becomes a symbol of societal convention and the characters' adherence to the rules of propriety.

22. Oscar Wilde employs irony skillfully to achieve social commentary in The Importance of Being Earnest. The title itself is ironic because none of the characters in the play actually embody earnestness. Instead, their actions revolve around deceit, manipulation, and trivial matters. This irony serves as a critique of the hypocritical nature of the Victorian upper class, whose outward appearances and manners often concealed their true intentions and desires. By using the title ironically, Wilde highlights the superficiality and insincerity of the society he is satirizing.

23. The pursuit of pleasure is a central theme in The Importance of Being Earnest, but the play conveys a negative message regarding this pursuit. The characters in the play prioritize pleasure above all else, leading to deception, frivolity, and the neglect of deeper, more meaningful aspects of life. Algernon and Jack's constant lies and false identities stem from their desire to fulfill their own pleasures without any consideration for the consequences. Similarly, Gwendolen and Cecily's obsession with marrying a man named Ernest shows their shallow focus on appearances rather than genuine compatibility or love. Ultimately, the play highlights the emptiness and superficiality that arise from pursuing pleasure at the expense of truth, integrity, and genuine human connection.

Have you read and understood the play?