Let the width and the length be real numbers. The perimeter remains constant 24. Draw the graph for 1 < w < 11

w = 1 then l =11

w = 2 then l = 10
w = 5 then l = 7
w = 10 then l = 2

These represent the points on the graph with w as the x-axis and l as the y -axis. You only need two pairs to make a line, but it is always best to use a 3rd point as a check.

Let the width and the length be real numbers.Draw the graph for 1 less than and equal to w and less then and equal to 11

let the width and the length be real numbers. the perimeter remains a constant 24cm. draw the graph


I really need a help in this question

To draw the graph, we need to understand the constraints given in the question. It states that the width and length are real numbers, and the perimeter remains constant at 24.

Let's denote the width as "w" and the length as "l". Since the perimeter is the sum of all sides of a rectangle, we have the equation:

2w + 2l = 24

To visualize the graph, we can rearrange this equation to solve for "l" in terms of "w":

2l = 24 - 2w
l = 12 - w

Now, we have a linear equation in the form of "y = mx + b", where "y" represents the length and "x" represents the width. The slope "m" is -1, and the y-intercept "b" is 12.

To draw the graph, follow these steps:

1. Set up a coordinate system with the x-axis representing the width and the y-axis representing the length.
2. Plot the y-intercept, which is the point (0, 12).
3. Determine another point on the line. Choose any value of "w" between 1 and 11, and substitute it into the equation l = 12 - w to find the corresponding "l" value.
4. Plot this point on the graph.
5. Draw a straight line passing through both plotted points. This line represents all possible combinations of width and length for which the perimeter remains constant at 24.

Note that the width should be between 1 and 11, so make sure the line you draw is within that range on the x-axis.

By following these steps, you will have successfully drawn the graph for 1 < w < 11, given the constraints in the question.