Developmental psychologists study all of the following EXCEPT:

-What part of the brain is involved in the development of depression
- Smoking trends of adolescents
- Prenatal development
- Aging issues of the elderly
- How personality develops across the lifespan

I think the answer is smoking trends of adolescents but I'm not sure

smoking in teens is a development issue, they study that. What development psychologist studies brains...the realm of neurosugerons.

You are correct. Developmental psychologists study various aspects of human development across the lifespan. This includes researching prenatal development, the aging process, and how personality develops over time. However, smoking trends of adolescents fall more under the domain of health psychology or public health research, rather than developmental psychology. Therefore, smoking trends of adolescents would be the correct answer as it is not typically studied by developmental psychologists.

You are correct! Developmental psychologists study a wide range of topics related to human development across the lifespan. However, smoking trends of adolescents is not typically a primary focus of developmental psychology research.

To arrive at this answer, you can eliminate each option by considering whether it aligns with the main areas of study within developmental psychology:

1. "What part of the brain is involved in the development of depression" - This question relates to the study of neurological factors and mental health, which is an area of interest for developmental psychologists.
2. "Smoking trends of adolescents" - While adolescent behavior is relevant to the field of developmental psychology, the specific focus on smoking trends is more closely associated with fields such as public health or substance abuse.
3. "Prenatal development" - This is a core area of study in developmental psychology, as it involves understanding how physical, cognitive, and emotional development occurs before birth.
4. "Aging issues of the elderly" - Another important aspect of developmental psychology is the study of aging and how it impacts individuals' physical, cognitive, and social well-being.
5. "How personality develops across the lifespan" - This question explores the study of personality development, which is a central focus of developmental psychology.

Therefore, based on the above analysis, the option that does not align with the usual research interests of developmental psychologists is "Smoking trends of adolescents."