Michael appears before a judge and is sentenced to six months of probation and a $250 fine. Which of the following crimes is Michael most likely to have committed?

A. Kidnapping
B. Arson
C. Selling drugs
D. Shoplifting

Is the correct answer D?


Yes, the correct answer is D. Shoplifting.

To determine the most likely crime Michael committed, we can examine the punishments given by the judge. In this case, Michael received six months of probation and a $250 fine. These consequences suggest that the crime committed was relatively minor.

A. Kidnapping is a much more serious offense that involves illegally holding a person against their will, often with threats or force. The punishment for kidnapping typically involves imprisonment rather than probation.

B. Arson involves intentionally setting fire to property, which is also a more serious offense than shoplifting. The punishment for arson can include imprisonment or significant fines, not probation.

C. Selling drugs is illegal and carries serious consequences, but it is generally punished more severely than shoplifting. Depending on the amount and type of drugs involved, the punishment could range from fines to imprisonment.

D. Shoplifting is the theft of merchandise from a store or business. The punishment for shoplifting can vary, but it often involves fines, probation, or community service. Given the six months of probation and $250 fine, shoplifting is the most likely crime Michael committed in this scenario.