If the distance between 2 cities on the map is 2.5 inches and they are 125 miles apart what is the scale of the map

125/2.5 = 50

1 inch = 50 miles

To find the scale of the map, we need to determine the relationship between the distance on the map (2.5 inches) and the actual distance between the cities (125 miles).

The scale of a map is typically represented as a ratio or fraction. Let's assume that x represents the scale. We can set up the following equation:

Distance on map / Actual distance = Scale

Substituting the given values, we have:

2.5 inches / 125 miles = x

To solve for x, we need to convert the units so that they are consistent. Let's convert 125 miles to inches:

1 mile = 63,360 inches (approximately)
125 miles = 125 * 63,360 inches = 7,920,000 inches

Now we can calculate the scale:

2.5 inches / 7,920,000 inches = x

Dividing the numerator by the denominator, we get:

x ≈ 3.16 × 10^(-7)

Therefore, the scale of the map is approximately 1:3,160,000 or 3.16 centimeters represents 1 mile.