Shaul made a password that consists of one letter followed by two digits. The two digits are different. How many posible passwords did Shaul choose from?

I dont freakin know thats why i asked

To find the number of possible passwords, we need to consider how many choices there are for each digit.

1. First, we consider the letter. There are 26 letters in the English alphabet.

2. Now, we consider the first digit. Since it can be any digit from 0 to 9, there are 10 choices for the first digit.

3. Lastly, we consider the second digit. Since it needs to be different from the first digit, there are 9 choices for the second digit.

To find the total number of possible passwords, we multiply the number of choices for each step together:

Number of possible passwords = Number of choices for letter × Number of choices for first digit × Number of choices for second digit
= 26 × 10 × 9
= 2,340

Therefore, there are 2,340 possible passwords that Shaul could have chosen from.

To find the number of possible passwords that Shaul chose from, we need to consider the total number of options for each position in the password.

For the first position, Shaul can choose any letter of the alphabet, which gives us 26 options.

For the second position, Shaul can choose any digit from 0 to 9, which gives us 10 options.

For the third position, he can choose any digit from 0 to 9 except for the digit chosen in the previous position. Since the two digits must be different, the number of options for the third position is 9.

To find the total number of possible passwords, we multiply the number of options for each position: 26 * 10 * 9 = 2,340.

Therefore, Shaul chose from a total of 2,340 possible passwords.

26 * 10 * (10-1) = ?