John has blue eyes. Blue eyes are recessive to the dominant trait for brown eye color. His genotype is bb. What is Johns phenotype?

I don't know. Explain?


yes, bb is two recessive blue genes, no dominant other, so eyes are blue.


To determine John's phenotype, we need to understand the relationship between genotype and phenotype. Genotype refers to the specific combination of alleles (in this case, the gene for eye color) that an individual possesses, while phenotype refers to the observable physical or biochemical characteristics resulting from those alleles.

In this scenario, we are given that John's genotype is bb, where b represents the allele for blue eye color. According to the given information, blue eye color is recessive to the dominant trait for brown eye color. Therefore, since both of John's alleles are for blue eyes (bb), his genotype does not possess any dominant allele for brown eyes.

The phenotype associated with the bb genotype is blue eye color. So, John's phenotype would be blue eyes.