Can you list me what are the animals of the black forest ???? please


You will find many different animals named in the sites linked here.

There's also this:

I don't know if there's any actual list.


Sure! To find a list of animals found in the Black Forest, you can search on Google using the keywords "animals of the black forest". This will give you many different websites and resources that list the animals found in that specific region.

One website you can explore is This search result provides a variety of websites that can give you information about the animals of the Black Forest. By clicking on the links and exploring those websites, you will find many different animals named in the sites linked there.

Another possible resource is This particular website may focus on a specific animal, the Schwarzwälder hs horse breed, but it could still provide some valuable information about the animals of the Black Forest.

Although there might not be an actual comprehensive list of all the animals in the Black Forest readily available, by exploring these websites and conducting a more thorough search, you should be able to compile a list of the animals found in that region.