Examine on an annual rights of individuals as stated in the declaration. Are these rides upheld today? Give examples and support your answer. Please and thanks

I meant rights

Examine on an annual rights ?

the declaration ?

Are these rides ?

Please correct and repost.

Well first of all what do you mean by "Annual rights"?

A right is a right, it does not expire after a year even if there is an election.
Now if you are looking for rights, the best place to start is not the Declaration but the first ten amendments to the Constitution of the United States. Google "Bill of Rights." The first and fourth are particularly important. You should be able to recite them.

To examine the annual rights of individuals as stated in the declaration, you are likely referring to the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR) adopted by the United Nations General Assembly in 1948. The UDHR consists of 30 articles outlining fundamental rights and freedoms to which all individuals are entitled.

To determine if these rights are upheld today, we can look at examples and support our answer:

1. Right to Life, Liberty, and Security of Person (Article 3): This right asserts that everyone has the right to life, liberty, and security. While there are instances where this right is violated in different parts of the world, many countries have laws and systems in place to protect individuals' lives and freedoms. For example, legal frameworks that prohibit murder, enforced disappearances, and arbitrary detentions contribute to upholding this right.

2. Freedom of Expression (Article 19): This right guarantees the freedom to hold opinions and express them without interference. With the rise of the internet and social media platforms, the ability to exercise freedom of expression has expanded globally. However, restrictions on this right persist in some countries through government censorship, online surveillance, or prosecution of dissenting voices.

3. Right to Education (Article 26): This right states that everyone has the right to education. Governments worldwide have committed to providing free and compulsory education for children, ensuring equal access to quality education. While progress has been made, challenges such as inadequate infrastructure, limited resources, and educational disparities still exist, particularly in developing countries.

4. Freedom of Religion or Belief (Article 18): This right protects the freedom to manifest any religion or belief. While this right is respected and protected in many countries, violations occur in some regions where individuals face religious discrimination, persecution, or restrictions on practicing their religious beliefs.

5. Right to a Fair Trial (Article 10): This right ensures that everyone is entitled to a fair and public hearing by an independent and impartial tribunal. While judicial systems vary across nations, most legal frameworks uphold the principles of due process, presumption of innocence, right to legal representation, and access to justice. However, flaws and injustices can still occur within the legal systems, highlighting the need for continuous improvement.

It's important to note that the degree to which these rights are upheld may vary across countries, regions, and cultures. While progress has been made toward the realization of these rights, challenges and violations persist in different forms and contexts. Continuous efforts are required to ensure the full realization of these rights for all individuals worldwide.