Name a pair of complementary angles

A: anglesign 1 and anglesign 4
B: anglesign 1 and anglesign 6
C: anglesign 3 and anglesign 4
D: anglesign 4 and anglesign 5
I think its D.

didn't I just answer this?

To determine whether a pair of angles is complementary, we need to check if the sum of their measures is 90 degrees.

In this case, angle 4 and angle 5 are given as the options.

To find the answer, we can add the measures of both angles.

If the sum is 90 degrees, then it means the angles are complementary.

So, let's find the answer:

angle 4 + angle 5 = ?

Since the options don't provide any specific measures for the angles, we are unable to calculate the sum. Therefore, we cannot determine if angle 4 and angle 5 are complementary based on the information given.

Therefore, the correct answer is not D.