What number has 3 digitals on the hundred square

To find a number that has 3 digits on the hundred square, we need to understand what a hundred square is. A hundred square is a grid with 10 rows and 10 columns where each cell represents a number from 1 to 100.

To identify a number that has 3 digits on the hundred square, we need to look for numbers between 100 and 999.

Starting from the top left corner of the hundred square, the first number with 3 digits is 100. We can count each number in the top row until we reach the last number, which is 109. Moving down to the next row, the numbers will now start with 110 and continue to 119. This pattern continues until we reach the bottom row.

We can see that the last number in the first row of the hundred square is 109, and the last number in the last row is 199. The last number in the second row is 119, and the last number in the second-to-last row is 299. Following this pattern, the last number in the third row is 129, and the last number in the third-to-last row is 399.

By counting in this manner, we can find that the last number in the tenth row of the hundred square is 199. Hence, the highest three-digit number on the hundred square is 199.

Therefore, the number on the hundred square with 3 digits is 199.