Which is the intransitive verb?

The judge who presided over that controversial case last year now seeks another term in the upcoming election

"Seeks" is the intransitive verb

To identify the intransitive verb in the sentence, we need to understand the basic definition of an intransitive verb. An intransitive verb is a verb that does not require a direct object to complete its meaning.

In the sentence you provided, the verb "seeks" is an intransitive verb. It doesn't require a direct object to complete its meaning. The subject of the sentence, "The judge who presided over that controversial case last year," is the one who is doing the seeking. The verb "seeks" describes the action being performed by the subject without requiring any direct object afterward.

To recap, the intransitive verb "seeks" in the sentence does not require a direct object and can stand alone as a complete thought.

Seeks is transitive.

judge . . . seeks . . . term

As you can see, seeks is transitive because it has a direct object.