.) Read the following sentences from "The Pin".

"That all changed when my family moved. My new school is three times bigger than my old school. At first, no one here knew me. The kids were polite, but they did not treat me like a good friend. For a few days, I felt sad and homesick. Then I decided to change my attitude. I could and would work hard to improve my situation."

Which of the following words would the narrator MOST LIKELY use to describe the students at the school?

a.) conceited
b.) cordial
c.) standoffish
d.) wary

I think that this is c. standoffish, but d and b make sense as well.

They were not mean to her they were polite to her...so what is like polite?

Yes, but cordial means warm and friendly, and it says that they didn't treat her like a friend....so they were kind of distant.

It is your call

The teacher is say what is a synonym for polite.

but c is corect

To determine the most likely word the narrator would use to describe the students at the school in "The Pin", we can look for clues in the given sentences. The narrator mentions that the kids were polite but did not treat them like a good friend initially. This suggests that the students were not necessarily rude but may have kept their distance or were not very friendly.

Let's break down the answer choices:

a.) Conceited means having an excessively favorable opinion of oneself, which does not align with the description given by the narrator.

b.) Cordial means being polite and friendly, which partly matches the given description. The narrator does mention that the kids were polite.

c.) Standoffish means being aloof or distant, which seems to align with the description given by the narrator. The kids not treating the narrator like a good friend initially suggests a sense of distance or coldness.

d.) Wary means being cautious or suspicious, which does not fit the given description. There is no indication that the kids were cautious or suspicious of the narrator.

Based on the given information, the most likely word the narrator would use to describe the students at the school is c.) Standoffish.

"The kids were polite"


That means what?