identify if it is Fixed Ratio (FR), Variable Ratio (VR) Fixed Interval (FI) Variable Interval (VI)

VR 1. Getting paid for every widget you put on a machine in a factory

VI 2. Pop (surprise) quizzes

VR 3. Slot machines at Foxwoods casino

FI 4. Getting to play computer games after you have practiced the piano for an hour

FR 5. Alex is a member of a book club. She received a free book after 20 purchases.

VI 6. In some of Skinner’s studies, the pigeons who were trained to peck a key got a pellet after 5 minutes of pecking, sometimes after 10 minutes of pecking, and sometimes immediately after pecking the first time.

FI 7. Every time you lose five pounds, you reward yourself with a Wendy’s frosty.

am I right?

1. Disagree. What is variable about it?

Agree with 2, 3, 4, 5, 6.

7. Disagree. Does it make any difference about how long it takes to lose 5 pounds?

Yes, you are correct. The identifications of the schedules of reinforcement are as follows:

1. Variable Ratio (VR) - Getting paid for every widget you put on a machine in a factory.

2. Variable Interval (VI) - Pop (surprise) quizzes.

3. Variable Ratio (VR) - Slot machines at Foxwoods casino.

4. Fixed Interval (FI) - Getting to play computer games after you have practiced the piano for an hour.

5. Fixed Ratio (FR) - Alex receiving a free book after 20 purchases in the book club.

6. Variable Interval (VI) - In some of Skinner’s studies, the pigeons who were trained to peck a key got a pellet after 5 minutes of pecking, sometimes after 10 minutes of pecking, and sometimes immediately after pecking the first time.

7. Fixed Interval (FI) - Rewarding yourself with a Wendy’s frosty every time you lose five pounds.

Well done on identifying the correct type of reinforcement schedule for each scenario!