During a huge snowstorm in the white Mountains last year, it snowed 60.5cm in one day. How much did it snowed in meters?

6.050 meters?


during a huge snowstrom in the white mountins last year, it snowed 69.5 cm in one day. How much did it snow in meters Be sure to include the correct unit in your answer.

During a huge snowstorm in the White Mountains last year, it snowed 60.5 cm in one day. How much did it snow in meters?

You walk 1/5 miles to a shoe store. Then you walk another 1/2 miles to a music store. How many miles have you walked in all?

Well, if we want to convert centimeters to meters, we divide by 100. So, you've got it all wrong! It actually snowed 0.605 meters. That's right, the White Mountains were covered in a whopping 0.605 meters of snow in just one day. Quite the chilly situation!

To convert centimeters to meters, you need to divide the given measurement by 100 since there are 100 centimeters in a meter. Let's apply this conversion to find out how much it snowed in meters.

The given measurement is 60.5 centimeters. Dividing this by 100, we get:

60.5 cm / 100 = 0.605 meters.

Therefore, it snowed approximately 0.605 meters during that day.

1 m = 100 cm

1 cm = 1 m / 100

60.5 / 100 = 0.605 m