The proper way to take care of your skin would be to

1.burst pimples before they get too big.

2.use quality products to help you tan safely.

3.(moisturize your skin daily by applying Vaseline.)

4.check your body for dark-colored spots that look irregular.

The hair on your body is able to help keep you healthy in many different ways. Your hair (1) protects the scalp from sunlight and provides insulation from the cold. (2) Hair from nostrils, ears, and _____ prevents debris from entering the body.





Ms. Sue are these right?



Anonymus, you are wrong. 2 is D. Everything else is right. Good job!

I disagree with both of your answers. Check your text.

now that i look clearly at the text i disagree

I think it's 1.(A) and 2.(B)

What do you think Ms. Sue?

#2 Is eyelashes (it's in the text) and I'm not sure about #1

it would be 1(d) 2 (c) 3(b)


For the first question it is to look for dark spots that look irregular.

they can be depending on the person