Choose the option that best completes the multi-draft reading process for poetry.

First Read: Read to unlock the basic meaning of the poem.

Second Read: ?????

Third Read: Find relationships between ideas in the poem.

1. Consider how the poems structure relates to its meaning.

2. Connect your life with ideas from the poem.

3. Use annotation to make meaning.

4. Identify the speaker of the poem.

I think it's number 1

Please help

Big O if you want to give the answers give them all

The answers are:
1. Consider how the poems structures relates to its meaning.
2. calm
4. fog comes quietly.
5. choose a specific question

Anonymous is correct thank you for helping me!!!

that is wrong stupid

Big O you idiot you got almost every single one wrong and I realized it.

Anonymous is correct

Thx Anonymous. 100%

thx Anonymous i got 100%

Thx anonymous

For Connexus 7th grade LA unit 2 lesson 3, B A B C

THX Anonymous