Write pseudocode for a program that calculates a customer’s total price after tax. The program will ask the user for the price of the item they are buying. Then the program will add a 5% tax to the item and output the final price. So if I tell the program my item costs $20.00 the output will be: Your total after tax is $21.00

This is what I have so far:

Modular Pseudocode
Main Module
Declare firstNum as int
Declare secondNum as float
Declare sum as char
Call User Input Module
Call Calculations Module
Call Output Module
Welcome Module
Write “Simple Multiplication”
Write “Give me two numbers and I will multiply them!”
Write “Simple Addition”
Write “Give me two numbers and I will add them!”
User Input Module
Write “Please enter your first number.”
Input 20
Write “Please enter your second number.”
Input .05
Calculation Mode
Set secondNum = 20 x .05
Set sum = 20 + 1
Output Module
Write 20 + “plus” + 1 + “equals” + 21

20*1.05 = 21

or do it the hard way
20*1 + .05*20 = 20 + 1 = 21

note use of distributive property to do it fast.

I know how to add the sales tax I just need help with the pseudocode part

Sure! Here's the pseudocode for the program:

1. Declare a variable named "itemPrice" to store the price of the item.
2. Declare a variable named "taxRate" and assign it a value of 0.05 (5% tax rate).
3. Declare a variable named "totalPrice" to store the final price after tax.
4. Prompt the user to enter the price of the item.
5. Read and store the user's input in the "itemPrice" variable.
6. Calculate the tax amount by multiplying "itemPrice" with "taxRate", and store the result in a variable named "taxAmount".
7. Add "taxAmount" to "itemPrice" and store the result in "totalPrice".
8. Output "Your total after tax is $" followed by the value of "totalPrice".

And here's the pseudocode in a more structured format:

DECLARE itemPrice, taxRate, totalPrice as NUMERIC

SET taxRate = 0.05

DISPLAY "Enter the price of the item: "
READ itemPrice

SET totalPrice = itemPrice + (itemPrice * taxRate)

DISPLAY "Your total after tax is $" + totalPrice

Please note that pseudocode is not an actual programming language, but rather a more human-readable and informal representation of the steps needed to accomplish a task. You would need to translate this pseudocode to the specific programming language you are using to implement the program.