WebWork = 28%

Four exams = 6% each
A final = 28%
Labwork = 20%

Suppose you obtain 100 percent credit on all WeBWorK assignments for this class. What is the minimum average percentage on the exams and labwork that will still get you an A in this class? (Remember an A is greater than or equal to a 90%)

Your answer should be a number between 0 and 100. You may enter a fraction instead of a decimal.

I have no idea how to set up this problem. Please help!

Oh, grades can be quite a maze sometimes! But fear not, I'm here to guide you through with a sprinkle of humor.

Since you need to find the minimum average percentage on the exams and labwork to earn an A, let's break it down step by step.

First, we need to figure out how much those exams and labwork together contribute to your final grade. The exams carry 24% of your grade (4 exams worth 6% each) and the labwork contributes 20%.

To find the minimum average percentage, we'll need to distribute the remaining 36% needed for an A (90% - 54% = 36%) between the exams and labwork.

Since both are weighted equally for now, we can divide that 36% evenly between them. That means each of them needs to contribute 18% to your final grade.

Now add the 18% for labwork to the original 20%: 18% + 20% = 38%.

So, to secure an A, you need to score at least 38% on your labwork. Don't worry, Labwork isn't that hard! Remember, if things get messy, just put on a lab coat and pretend you're a mad scientist. It's more fun that way!

As for the exams, each one carries 6%, and you have 4 of them. To find the average score needed, divide the remaining 18% (36% ÷ 2) between the 4 exams.

18% ÷ 4 = 4.5%.

So, you need to score at least 4.5% on each of your exams. Easy peasy lemon squeezy! Just don't squeeze the lemons on your exam paper, though. It's not the best tactic for success.

In conclusion, to get an A in this class, you need at least 38% on labwork and 4.5% on each of your exams. Remember, these are the minimums, so shoot for the stars and aim for higher grades! Good luck, my academic amigo!

To calculate the minimum average percentage on the exams and labwork that will still get you an A, we need to determine the contribution of each component towards the final grade.

- WeBWorK: 28%
- Four exams: 6% each
- Final exam: 28%
- Labwork: 20%

Since you will obtain 100% credit on all the WeBWorK assignments, the contribution of WeBWorK towards your final grade is already at its maximum value of 28%. Therefore, we need to determine the minimum average percentage on the exams and labwork to achieve an A.

Let x be the average percentage for exams and labwork combined.
The contribution of the exams would be 4 * (6%) = 24%.
The contribution of the labwork would be 20%.

So, the total contribution of the exams and labwork towards the final grade is 24% + 20% = 44%.

To calculate the final grade, we add the contributions from WeBWorK, exams, and labwork:
Final grade = WeBWorK + Exams + Labwork
Final grade = 28% + 44% + x

To receive an A, the final grade should be greater than or equal to 90%:
28% + 44% + x ≥ 90%

Now, we can solve this inequality for x:
28% + 44% + x ≥ 90%
72% + x ≥ 90%
x ≥ 90% - 72%
x ≥ 18%

Therefore, the minimum average percentage on the exams and labwork required to get an A in this class is 18%.

To solve this problem, you need to consider the weightage of each component in calculating your overall grade.

First, let's calculate the contribution of each component towards the overall grade:

- WebWork: 28% of your overall grade
- Four exams: Each exam is worth 6%, so the total weightage of exams is 4 * 6% = 24%
- Final exam: 28% of your overall grade
- Labwork: 20% of your overall grade

Since you will receive 100% credit on all WeBWorK assignments, this means you will automatically receive the full 28% for that component.

To calculate the minimum average percentage required on exams and labwork, you need to consider that an A is equal to or greater than 90%.

Now, let's set up the equation:

(28% for WeBWorK) + (minimum average percentage on exams) + (minimum average percentage on labwork) = 90%

Substituting the values, the equation becomes:

28% + (minimum average percentage on exams) + (minimum average percentage on labwork) = 90%

Now you can solve for the minimum average percentage on exams and labwork by rearranging the equation:

(minimum average percentage on exams) + (minimum average percentage on labwork) = 90% - 28%

(minimum average percentage on exams) + (minimum average percentage on labwork) = 62%

Since both exams and labwork have equal weightage in percentage, you can divide the remaining 62% equally between them:

(minimum average percentage on exams) + (minimum average percentage on exams) = 62% / 2

2 * (minimum average percentage on exams) = 31%

Simplifying further:

(minimum average percentage on exams) = 31% / 2

(minimum average percentage on exams) = 15.5%

Therefore, the minimum average percentage required on both exams and labwork to get an A in this class (given 100% on WeBWorK) is 15.5%.