1))ten to the seventh power= 8^7 base 8 exponent 7. key Sequence: 8^7=2,097,152

2))ten to the six power= 10^6 base is 10 exponent 6 key sequence: 10^6=1,000,000
3))nine to the fourth power 9^4 base is 9 exponent is 4 key sequence:9^4=6,561

thanks i need someone to check my work pleasr mark my misteaks
Thanks again !!!

Based on your provided equations, your calculations seem to be correct. Here's a breakdown of each calculation:

1) To find 8^7 (base 8 raised to the exponent 7), you correctly calculated it as 2,097,152.

2) To find 10^6 (base 10 raised to the exponent 6), you correctly calculated it as 1,000,000.

3) To find 9^4 (base 9 raised to the exponent 4), you correctly calculated it as 6,561.

There don't seem to be any mistakes in your work. Well done!