Which numbers make the equation true?



I am extremely confused on how to assist my daughter in solving this, due to this being common core math. Could you please direct me on how to solve problems such as this? than you in advance

If you read the problem correctly, the answer is obvious.


47 plus some number is greater than 70.

Solving it mathematically: Let x = the unknown number

x > 23


well, 70-47 = 23

so, any number bigger than 23 will make the statement true

47+30 = 73 > 70

I have no idea what outlandish method they taught to solve the problem.

oops 47+30 = 77 > 70

It would be 30 because the unknown number has to add to 47 and be bigger than 70.


To solve this inequality, we need to find the missing number that, when added to 47, will make the sum greater than 70.

Let's break down the inequality step by step:

Start with the given equation: 47 + ___ > 70

To find the missing number, we need to isolate it on one side of the inequality sign (>) while keeping the equation balanced. We can do this by subtracting 47 from both sides of the inequality:

47 + ___ - 47 > 70 - 47

Simplifying, we get:

___ > 23

Now that we have isolated the missing number, the goal is to find a number that is greater than 23.

Now, let's evaluate the answer choices one by one:

a. 10: Is 10 greater than 23? No, so it cannot be the answer.
b. 20: Is 20 greater than 23? No, so it cannot be the answer.
c. 30: Is 30 greater than 23? Yes, it is!

Therefore, the missing number in the original equation is 30.

In common core math, this problem demonstrates solving an inequality using basic arithmetic operations. The purpose is to understand the concept of inequalities and how to find values that satisfy them.