Using the equation 2H2 + O2 ==> 2H2O, determine how many grams of water is produced when 29 moles of oxygen is consumed

impatient much?

see your other post...

To determine the number of grams of water produced, we need to use the stoichiometry of the balanced chemical equation.

The balanced chemical equation is: 2H2 + O2 → 2H2O

From the equation, we can see that for every 1 mole of O2 consumed, 2 moles of H2O are produced.

First, we need to convert the moles of O2 to moles of H2O:

29 moles of O2 * (2 moles of H2O / 1 mole of O2) = 58 moles of H2O

Now, we can calculate the grams of water produced using the molar mass of water. The molar mass of water (H2O) is approximately 18.0153 grams/mol:

58 moles of H2O * 18.0153 grams/mol = 1044.89 grams of H2O

Therefore, when 29 moles of oxygen is consumed, approximately 1044.89 grams of water are produced.