Accordind to the theory of demographic transition,why do birth rates fall during the third stage?

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Premature births and abortions

Premature births and abortions


According to the theory of demographic transition, birth rates fall during the third stage due to several factors:

1. Economic development: As a country develops economically, there is generally a shift from an agrarian society to an industrialized one. This shift leads to urbanization and a transition from agriculture-based economies to more industrial and service-based economies. As a result, people tend to have fewer children because they no longer need a large labor force to work on farms, and the cost of raising children increases in urban areas.

2. Education and empowerment of women: As education becomes more accessible to women in the third stage of demographic transition, their opportunities for employment and independence increase. This often leads to a delay in starting a family, pursuing higher education, or entering the workforce. Women who are more educated and economically empowered tend to have fewer children as they prioritize their own personal and professional goals.

3. Access to family planning and contraceptives: Advances in healthcare and family planning services provide individuals with the means to plan and control the number of children they have. Access to contraception methods such as condoms, birth control pills, and intrauterine devices allows people to choose when to have children and how many to have. This availability of family planning methods helps contribute to the decline in birth rates.

4. Social and cultural changes: As societies progress through the stages of demographic transition, there tends to be a shift in attitudes towards family size. In the third stage, smaller families are often seen as favorable and a result of progress and improved quality of life. Social and cultural changes, such as the desire for greater personal freedom, focus on career development, and changing gender roles, also influence the decision to have fewer children.

It's important to note that these factors may not apply uniformly across all countries or regions. The rate at which birth rates decline in the third stage of demographic transition varies depending on a country's unique circumstances and policies.