Give the best analogy.

Flagrant is to surreptitious as

1. foul is to penalty
2. brazen is to hidden
3. malfeasance is to wrongdoing
4. supercilious is to scornful

answer: b

Yes! Right, again!

Brazen hidden

To find the best analogy in this question, we need to understand the relationship between the words "flagrant" and "surreptitious."

"Flagrant" means something that is very obvious, open, or blatantly clear, often referring to actions that are offensive or improper. On the other hand, "surreptitious" refers to actions that are done in a sneaky or secretive manner, with the intention of avoiding attention or detection.

To find the analogy, we need to identify a pair of words that have a similar relationship. Let's examine the options given:

1. "Foul" is related to "penalty," but the relationship between these words does not mirror the relationship between "flagrant" and "surreptitious." While a foul can result in a penalty, the nature of the actions is not necessarily open or obvious.
2. "Brazen" is related to "hidden." This option seems to have a more similar relationship to "flagrant" and "surreptitious." "Brazen" refers to actions that are bold, shameless, or done openly, while "hidden" refers to actions that are concealed or kept secret.
3. "Malfeasance" is related to "wrongdoing." Although "malfeasance" implies an act of wrongdoing, the relationship between these words does not capture the contrast between "flagrant" and "surreptitious."
4. "Supercilious" is related to "scornful." While "supercilious" refers to arrogance or haughtiness, and "scornful" means showing contempt or disdain, the relationship between these words does not capture the concept of obviousness versus secrecy.

Based on the provided options, option 2, "brazen is to hidden," is the best analogy for the relationship between "flagrant" and "surreptitious."