Give the best analogy.

Culpable is to blame as ______.

1. vaunt is to modest
2. angry is to furious
3. august is to admire
4. misdemeanor is to felony

answer: c

Yes, c.

To find the best analogy, first, we need to understand the relationship between the word "culpable" and "blame." In this case, "culpable" means deserving blame or being responsible for something.

Now let's look at the answer choices:

1. Vaunt is to modest: This analogy doesn't make sense as "vaunt" means to boast or show off, while "modest" means being humble or not excessively confident. The relationship between vaunt and modest is not comparable to that of culpable and blame.

2. Angry is to furious: This analogy doesn't fit either. While both of these words indicate degrees of anger, the relationship between "angry" and "furious" is better described as synonyms rather than one being more severe or deserving more blame than the other.

3. August is to admire: This analogy doesn't work as well, as "august" means respected or revered, while "admire" means to have a favorable opinion or feeling towards someone or something. The relationship between august and admire does not capture the concept of culpability and blame.

4. Misdemeanor is to felony: This analogy is the best fit. A misdemeanor is a less serious crime, typically punishable by a small fine or short imprisonment, while a felony is a more serious crime carrying a heavier penalty. This relationship parallels the concept of culpable being to blame, as misdemeanor represents a lesser degree of blameworthiness, and felony represents a greater degree.

Therefore, the correct analogy is: culpable is to blame as misdemeanor is to felony.