The legislative branch checks the power of the judicial branch by

appointing federal judges
dissolving federal courts
declaring judicial actions unconstitutional
impeaching and removing judges
What is the answer?

The correct answer is "declaring judicial actions unconstitutional." The legislative branch of the government has the power to pass laws and create regulations. In order to guard against potential abuses of power by the judicial branch, the legislative branch can review and evaluate the actions and decisions made by the judicial branch. If they find that a particular judicial action or decision is unconstitutional, they can declare it as such. This power allows the legislative branch to check and balance the authority of the judicial branch, ensuring that their actions align with the Constitution.

To arrive at this answer, it is important to understand the separation of powers in a democratic system, where each branch of government has specific powers, limitations, and responsibilities. In this case, knowing the role and authority of the legislative branch and the purpose of checks and balances between branches of government will help you identify the appropriate answer.