jeff has 12 more toy cars than toy trucks. In all, he has 19 toy vehicles. How many toy trucks does Jeff have?

Put this word problems into words that would help to get the answer?

12 more so you know there will be subtracting

In all he has 19

So do 19-12 what do you get

To find out how many toy trucks Jeff has, we can set up a system of equations.

Let's assume the number of toy trucks Jeff has is T. Since Jeff has 12 more toy cars than toy trucks, the number of toy cars can be expressed as T + 12.

We know that in total, Jeff has 19 toy vehicles. Therefore, the sum of toy trucks and toy cars should equal 19:

T + (T + 12) = 19

Simplifying the equation, we have:

2T + 12 = 19

Subtracting 12 from both sides:

2T = 7

Then dividing both sides by 2:

T = 7/2

However, we can't have half a toy truck, so it seems there might be an error in the problem statement. It's possible that Jeff has a whole number of toy trucks greater than 1. Please double-check the given information.