Consider the main characters from "Stolen Day" and "The Night the Bed Fell." In a paragraph, discuss which character learns the most and which one learns the least. Use details from the selections to support your ideas. Use the reading selections to help you answer the question.

Guys dont just expect ms.sue to know all the answers and telly up, that's not what she is here for.... like actually just ask for help. She hasn't even read them dont expect her to do something she cant. Chill out.


Children,be kind to Ms.Sue.

i mean @ Rip Cameron Boyce is not wrong

How would you like us to help you with this assignment?

Summarize both of the stories

To determine which character learns the most and which one learns the least between the main characters from the short stories "Stolen Day" and "The Night the Bed Fell," let's analyze the details from the selections. In "Stolen Day," the main character, Dave, is a young boy who falsely believes he has rheumatic fever and tries to prove it by acting ill. Throughout the story, Dave encounters different characters who challenge his assumptions and help him gain a more mature perspective. By the end of the story, Dave understands the consequences of his actions and learns the importance of honesty. On the other hand, in "The Night the Bed Fell," the main character, who is also the narrator, experiences a series of chaotic events during a thunderstorm, which only serves to confirm his paranoia and reinforce his preexisting fears. Despite the humorous tone of the story, the character learns very little and remains unchanged by the events. Therefore, it can be concluded that Dave from "Stolen Day" learns the most, while the narrator from "The Night the Bed Fell" learns the least.

I haven't read one of them and the other I read many years ago.

I assume you're read both stories so would do much better summaries than I.

Ms. Sue you should read itโ€™s again to help people. God your stupid

yall need to stop doing ms.sue like that lmfaoo