The sum of two positive numbers is 34. When the smaller number is subtracted from twice the larger, the result is 26. Find the two numbers,

smaller --- x

larger ---- 34-x

2(34-x) - x = 26

easy to solve for x

System of Equations

Let x: smaller y: larger
x + y = 34
2y - x = 26

Using elimination to solve the system yields 3y = 60. Thus y = 20, so x =14

To solve this problem, let's use a system of equations:

Let's assume that the smaller number is represented by 'x', and the larger number is represented by 'y'.

From the given information, we can form two equations:

1. The sum of two positive numbers is 34:
x + y = 34

2. When the smaller number is subtracted from twice the larger, the result is 26:
2y - x = 26

Now, we can solve this system of equations using substitution or elimination.

Let's use substitution method:

From equation 1, we have x = 34 - y

Now, substitute x in equation 2:

2y - (34 - y) = 26

Simplify the equation:

2y - 34 + y = 26

Combine like terms:

3y - 34 = 26

Add 34 to both sides:

3y = 60

Divide both sides by 3:

y = 20

Now, substitute the value of y back into equation 1:

x + 20 = 34

Subtract 20 from both sides:

x = 14

So, the smaller number is 14, and the larger number is 20.