1. Traveling around the world is a huge part of me. Voyager dans le monde est une grande partie de moi.

2. Traveling opens my eyes and I've (taken) that (chance).
Voyager ouvre mes yeux et j'ai (pris) que (chance).

3. Traveling helps me learn who I am. Voyager m'aide à apprendre qui je suis.

4. Traveling creates meaningful relationships with unique people around the world. Voyager crée des relations significatives avec des gens uniques autour du monde.

5. Traveling makes me take in new refreshing perspectives.
Voyager me fait prendre de nouvelles perspectives rafraîchissantes.

6. Traveling makes me smile. Voyager me fait sourire.

7. Traveling means helping the locals or the villagers. Voyager signifie aider les gens du pays ou les villageois.

8. Traveling means giving. Voyager, c'est donner.

9. Seeing the world through traveling makes me appreciate the beauty of God's creations. Voyant le monde par le voyage me fait apprécier la beauté des créations de Dieu.

10. This includes the beauty of nature. Cela inclut la beauté de la nature.

11. Traveling means adventure. Voyager signifie aventure.

12. I am human so I do get (tired). Je suis humain donc je reçois (fatigué).

13. The (chance) I get to travel, if God will's, I'll take. Le hasard, si Dieu le veut, je vais le prendre.

14. It may be (expensive). Il peut être (cher).

15. The knowledge and awareness (taken) from little and big trips are definitely worthwhile. La connaissance et la prise de conscience des petits et grands voyages valent vraiment la peine.

16. Some trips do not have to be expensive. Certains voyages ne doivent pas être coûteux.

17. There is always (traffic) everywhere I go. Il ya toujours (la circulation) partout où je vais.

18. I realize (slowing down) and not rushing is the best choice. Je me rends compte (ralentissement) et ne pas se précipiter est le meilleur choix.

19.. I love nature. J'aime la nature.

20. I love traveling. J'aime voyager.

Are these grammatically correct?

I've sent this to our French expert. Please check back for her reply later.

2. j'ai pris cette chance

11. l'aventure

12. humaine (your names, Anne, signifies that you are feminine)

13. La chance de voyager, s'il plaît à Dieu, je le prendrai/

14. cher.

15. et la conscience prises de petits...

17. Il y a

18. compte que ralentir et ne pas se dépêcher c'est...

In some instances the French seems strained because the English is as well.

Sra (aka Mme)

Can you check one last time! Merci beaucoup.

1. Voyager dans le monde est une grande partie de moi.
2. Voyager ouvre mes yeux et j'ai (pris) cette (chance).
3. Voyager m'aide à apprendre qui je suis.
4. Voyager crée des relations significatives avec des gens uniques autour du monde.
5. Voyager me fait prendre de nouvelles perspectives rafraîchissantes.

6. Voyager me fait sourire.
7. Voyager signifie aider les gens du pays ou les villageois.
8. Voyager, c'est donner.
9. Voyant le monde par le voyage me fait apprécier la beauté des créations de Dieu.
10. Cela inclut la beauté de la nature.

11. Voyager signifie l'aventure.
12.Je suis humaine donc je reçois (fatigué).
13.La hasard (chance) de voyager, s'il plaît à Dieu, je le prendrai.
14. Il peut être (cher).
15. La connaissance et la conscience prises de petits et grands voyages valent vraiment la peine.

16.Certains voyages ne doivent pas être coûteux.
17. Il y a toujours (la circulation) partout où je vais.
18. Je me rends compte (ralentissement) que ralentir et ne pas se dépêcher c'est le meilleur choix.
19. J'aime la nature.
20. J'aime voyager

Our sentences don't have to be lengthy but be about on one main topic. It's not strained I think. It's straight to the point. Thanks for all the help!

1. To answer the question "What are the reasons why you love traveling?" we can look at the provided sentences: "Traveling around the world is a huge part of me" and "Voyager dans le monde est une grande partie de moi." These sentences suggest that the person loves traveling because it is an integral part of who they are.

2. The sentence "Traveling opens my eyes and I've (taken) that (chance)" indicates that the person loves traveling because it broadens their perspective and they embrace the opportunities it presents.

3. The sentence "Traveling helps me learn who I am" shows that the person finds self-discovery and personal growth through traveling.

4. The sentence "Traveling creates meaningful relationships with unique people around the world" suggests that the person values the connections made with diverse individuals during their travels.

5. The sentence "Traveling makes me take in new refreshing perspectives" implies that the person appreciates the fresh insights gained through travel.

6. The sentence "Traveling makes me smile" indicates that the person finds joy and happiness through traveling.

7. The sentence "Traveling means helping the locals or the villagers" suggests that the person enjoys contributing to local communities and making a positive impact.

8. The sentence "Traveling means giving" implies that the person finds fulfillment in being generous and giving back while traveling.

9. The sentence "Seeing the world through traveling makes me appreciate the beauty of God's creations" indicates that the person finds spiritual or transcendent value in witnessing the beauty of the world while traveling.

10. The sentence "This includes the beauty of nature" shows that the person specifically appreciates the natural wonders they encounter while traveling.

11. The sentence "Traveling means adventure" suggests that the person is drawn to the excitement and thrill of exploring new places.

12. The sentence "I am human so I do get (tired)" acknowledges that travel can be physically demanding, but it doesn't diminish the person's love for it.

13. The sentence "The (chance) I get to travel, if God will's, I'll take" indicates that the person views every opportunity to travel as a blessing and is grateful for it.

14. The sentence "It may be (expensive)" acknowledges that travel can be costly, but it doesn't deter the person's love for it.

15. The sentence "The knowledge and awareness (taken) from little and big trips are definitely worthwhile" suggests that the person values the learning and personal growth that come from both small and significant travel experiences.

16. The sentence "Some trips do not have to be expensive" suggests that the person recognizes that there are affordable travel options available.

17. The sentence "There is always (traffic) everywhere I go" is a general observation about the presence of traffic while traveling, but it doesn't directly contribute to explaining why the person loves traveling.

18. The sentence "I realize (slowing down) and not rushing is the best choice" indicates that the person has learned the importance of slowing down and savoring moments during travel, adding to their love for it.

19. The sentence "I love nature" suggests that the person's appreciation for nature contributes to their love for traveling.

20. The sentence "I love traveling" is a direct statement of the person's love for traveling.

Based on these sentences, we can conclude that the person loves traveling for the following reasons:
- It is an integral part of their identity.
- It opens their eyes and offers new opportunities.
- It helps them learn about themselves.
- It creates meaningful relationships with people.
- It provides refreshing perspectives.
- It brings them joy and happiness.
- It allows them to help others and give back.
- It fosters appreciation for the beauty of the world and nature.
- It offers adventure and excitement.
- It provides opportunities for personal growth and learning.