Projective techniques, as distinguished from other personality instruments, have usually been designed to measure the:

a. Level of aggression in terms of psychodynamic theory
b. More typical and superficial aspects of personality
c. Client’s level of repression and hostility
d. Covert and underlying aspects of personality
I select D because this method will eventually disclose individuals personal as the get more comfortable with counselor

In order to use a projective technique to make a clinical decision, the counselor should be:
a. Trained extensively in using and interpreting the technique
b. Knowledgeable of the five factors of personality
c. Trained extensively in personality disorders
d. Knowledgeable of psychoanalytic theory
I selected A

My knowledge of psychology is only a nodding acquaintance, but I think your answers are correct.

I also agree.

For the first question, the correct answer is d. Covert and underlying aspects of personality. Projective techniques are designed to access the unconscious or hidden aspects of a person's personality. They provide insights into underlying thoughts, feelings, and motivations that may not be readily apparent in more direct measures.

For the second question, the correct answer is a. Trained extensively in using and interpreting the technique. The use of projective techniques requires specific training to ensure accurate administration, scoring, and interpretation. The counselor should be knowledgeable about the technique's principles, administration procedures, and scoring guidelines to make informed clinical decisions based on the results.

Your answer for the first question is correct. Projective techniques are often designed to measure the covert and underlying aspects of personality.

For the second question, your answer is also correct. In order to use a projective technique to make a clinical decision, the counselor should be trained extensively in using and interpreting the technique. This is because projective techniques require specific skills and knowledge to effectively analyze and interpret the responses. Being knowledgeable about the five factors of personality, personality disorders, and psychoanalytic theory can certainly be beneficial, but extensive training in using and interpreting the technique is the most crucial factor.