If a client has a personality disorder, it:

a. Will be readily apparent in the first session
b. Can be readily assessed with the NEO-PI-3
c. Will become slowly evident through recurrent themes (e.g., relationship difficulties) and through the client’s interactions with the counselor
d. Is typically associated with legal difficulties and counselors should ask clients about their legal record in the first session
I selected c because counselor will begin to see patterns of abnormal behaviors

In conducting an interview with a client from another culture, the counselor should:
a. Conduct the interview using closed-ended questions
b. Consider the degree to which self-disclosure is encouraged in that culture
c. Use a multiple-choice format in the interviewing
d. Use checklists or rating scales rather than interviews
I selected B because some clients from different cultures may avoid sharing personal information

An introverted client who uses senses to perceive information, uses feelings to process information, and whose orientation to the outer world is judgment would have which of the following Myers-Briggs personality types?
I selected a since I=introvert S= person who uses senses to perceive information F= individual primarily uses personal or social values in making judgments J= using either thinking or feeling or is it B just introvert

Projective techniques, as distinguished from other personality instruments, have usually been designed to measure the:
a. Level of aggression in terms of psychodynamic theory
b. More typical and superficial aspects of personality
c. Client’s level of repression and hostility
d. Covert and underlying aspects of personality
I select D because this method will eventually disclose individuals personal as the get more comfortable with counselor

I agree with 1, 2, and 4. However, I am unfamiliar with Myers-Briggs, so I cannot respond to that one.

Question 3 is A

For the first question, you selected option c, which is correct. When a client has a personality disorder, it may not be readily apparent in the first session. However, it can become slowly evident through recurrent themes such as relationship difficulties and through the client's interactions with the counselor. By observing patterns of abnormal behaviors and focusing on the client's experiences and relationships, the counselor can start to identify the potential presence of a personality disorder.

For the second question, you selected option b, which is also correct. When interviewing a client from another culture, it is essential for the counselor to consider the degree to which self-disclosure is encouraged in that culture. Different cultures may have varying norms and expectations surrounding the sharing of personal information. It is important for the counselor to be culturally sensitive and adapt the interview style accordingly.

For the third question, you selected option a, which is correct. The Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) is a widely used personality assessment tool that categorizes individuals based on four dichotomous scales: Extraversion (E) vs. Introversion (I), Sensing (S) vs. Intuition (N), Thinking (T) vs. Feeling (F), and Judging (J) vs. Perceiving (P). An introverted client who uses senses to perceive information, uses feelings to process information, and whose orientation to the outer world is judgment would have the ISFJ personality type.

For the fourth question, you selected option d, which is correct. Projective techniques, like the Rorschach inkblot test or the Thematic Apperception Test (TAT), are designed to measure the covert and underlying aspects of personality. These techniques aim to reveal unconscious or deeply rooted aspects of an individual's personality that may not be easily accessible through other instruments or methods. They provide insights into the person's thoughts, feelings, and motivations, helping the counselor gain a deeper understanding of their personality dynamics.