this website is so helpful but i am confused on some things

1) the people who answer questions is this their job or are they volunteering to for free and what do they gain out of this
2)do the tutors who answer questions sit at home and answer or at some work place
3) how quakified are tutors on this? are they highly qualified, primary level, secondary, a level or what?
4) As the same tutors are always answering do they do this job 24/7 and nothing else apart from this and how do they make a living from this?

1 -- All volunteers. Ask yourself why people volunteer at anything?

2 -- Usually at home.

3 -- All those I know are retired teachers or professors in their specific field (English, social studies, various math and science topics ... )

4 -- No one makes a living from this. Volunteers, remember? Tutors come online to help students when they can. And no ... not 24/7! If you notice the time on all these posts, it's set for the Eastern time zone in the US. Most tutors are asleep during the overnight hours.

for thee fourth question whenever i ask a question at night it gets answered like whatever the time and there is someone called ms sue who i always see asnswering questions at the night and morning

Ms. Sue is usually online from late morning until late evening.

1) The people who answer questions on this website can be both volunteers and professionals. Some may choose to volunteer their time and expertise to help others for free, while others may be paid as part of their job to answer questions. In both cases, they gain satisfaction from helping solve problems and share knowledge.

2) The tutors who answer questions may be working from various locations. Some may work from home, while others may be part of a larger team at a specific workplace. The online format allows for flexibility in terms of where they can work from.

3) The qualifications of the tutors can vary. Some tutors may be highly qualified professionals with advanced degrees and extensive experience in their respective fields. Others may have expertise at primary, secondary, or A level education. The website likely has a system in place to verify the qualifications of the tutors to ensure the quality of the answers provided.

4) It's unlikely that the same tutors are answering questions 24/7 without any breaks or other responsibilities. Just like any other job, they would likely have shifts or designated working hours. Additionally, some tutors may only answer questions part-time while having other sources of income. For those who earn a living solely through this, they may have multiple sources of income, such as working on different platforms or offering additional services related to their expertise.
