17. the spectacular exposures of flat-lying sedimentary rocks in the _________ provide evidence of rapid deposits from a great Flood.


grand canyon am i right?

Yes. You're right.

Yes, you're right. The spectacular exposures of flat-lying sedimentary rocks in the Grand Canyon provide evidence of rapid deposits from a great flood. The way to arrive at this answer is by studying and understanding the geological features and rock formations present in these areas. The Grand Canyon is known for its deep, steep-sided canyons carved by the Colorado River. The exposed layers of sedimentary rock in the canyon reveal the geologic history and the process of deposition. The flat-lying sedimentary rocks seen in the Grand Canyon indicate that they were rapidly deposited, likely from a large-scale flood event. By examining the rock formations and understanding their characteristics, scientists can infer the past environmental conditions and geological processes that have shaped the landscape.