what is restrictive immigration laws

a United States federal law that limited the annual number of immigrants who could be admitted from any country to 2% of the number of people from that country who were already living in the United States

That was one. Another was to ban the admission of anyone from China. Another is to restrict the number of people who can enter the United States from any one country (it varied, depending on the country). It is any law that puts limits on the number of immigrants who can legally migrate to the U.S.A. based on race, nationality, or any other arbitrary reason.


Restrictive immigration laws refer to policies and regulations that limit the number and types of immigrants allowed into a country. These laws are enacted by governments to control and manage immigration processes, often aiming to protect domestic labor markets, national security, public services, and cultural identity.

If you want to understand more about specific examples and details of restrictive immigration laws in a particular country, you can follow these steps:

1. Identify the country of interest: Each country has its own immigration laws, so it's important to choose a specific country to focus on.

2. Research official government sources: Look for the official website of the country's immigration department or ministry responsible for managing immigration affairs. These government sources typically provide information on immigration policies, laws, and regulations.

3. Read immigration legislation and policies: Look for specific laws, statutes, or regulations related to immigration in your chosen country. These documents outline the legal framework and criteria used to control immigration.

4. Consult immigration experts or organizations: Seek out expertise from immigration lawyers, scholars, or non-governmental organizations (NGOs) specializing in migration issues. They can provide insights into the context, interpretation, and implications of immigration laws in a particular country.

Remember, individual countries may have varying degrees of restrictiveness in their immigration laws, so it's important to research the specific country you are interested in to obtain accurate and up-to-date information on their immigration policies.