What are purposes that tattoos have served both in Canadian culture and in other countries and other times?

For example they can be a very compact souvenir of a trip to a distant land. Need to know some answers for I'm writing a paragraph on it.

Thanks so much. ^-^

Thank you for using the Jiskha Homework Help Forum. People seem to like tatooes for decoration. They mean something to the person who has them; they commemorate something they don't want to forget. Tattooes can identify a gang, for example.

Main Entry: [3]tattoo
Function: transitive verb
Etymology: Tahitian tatau, noun, tattoo
Date: 1769
1 : to mark or color (the skin) with tattoos
2 : to mark the skin with (a tattoo) <tattooed a flag on his chest>

From the Online Dictionary, this seems to be the origin of the name "tattoo."

Tattoos have served various purposes in Canadian culture and in other countries and times. Here are a few examples:

1. Cultural Identity: In many cultures, including Canadian indigenous cultures, tattoos have been used as a way to express one's cultural identity. They can represent symbols, patterns, or motifs that are significant to a particular culture or community.

To get more information on tattoos as a cultural identity in Canadian culture, you can research specific indigenous groups like the Inuit, Haida, or Mohawk, and their traditional tattoo practices.

2. Commemoration and Remembrance: Tattoos can serve as a way to commemorate an event, person, or an important aspect of one's life. For example, individuals might get tattoos to remember a loved one, pay tribute to their heritage, or mark a significant milestone in their life.

For further insights into the tattoo traditions of different cultures, you can research specific examples like the traditional Japanese Irezumi tattoos that often depict legends and myths, or the Polynesian tattooing practices known as Tatau.

3. Souvenir and Travel: As you mentioned, tattoos can also serve as a compact souvenir of a trip to a distant land. Some people choose to get tattoos as a tangible reminder of their travel experiences, symbolizing the places they have been, or the cultural experiences they have had.

To explore the use of tattoos as souvenirs in other countries, you can look into specific examples like the Maori tattoos in New Zealand or Sak Yant tattoos in Thailand.

In summary, tattoos can serve various purposes, including cultural identity, commemoration, and as souvenirs. To gather further details and examples, you can research specific cultural practices, historical contexts, and contemporary tattooing trends in different countries and cultures.