Which of the following essay keywords asks you to make a judgment or share your opinion?






evaluate and explain are two options. can you pick both?

describe and summarize are objective, your opinions are not included when you say
"the flower is red" (describe)
"The act was passed by congress in 1933 and was very unpopular in rural areas" (summary)

The keyword that asks you to make a judgment or share your opinion is '(evaluate)'.

The keyword that asks you to make a judgment or share your opinion is "(evaluate)".

To determine the correct answer, let's break down the keywords:

1. "Explain": This keyword requires you to provide a detailed understanding of a concept or topic. It involves presenting information and clarifying its meaning or process.

2. "(Evaluate)": This keyword specifically asks you to make a judgment or assess something based on certain criteria. It requires you to form an opinion or position and support it with evidence or reasoning.

3. "Describe": This keyword involves providing a thorough account of something, including its characteristics, features, or components. It focuses on providing a clear and comprehensive understanding without expressing opinions or making judgments.

4. "Summarize": This keyword requires you to condense or provide a brief overview of a longer text, speech, or event. It involves extracting the main points or key information while omitting unnecessary details.

Based on the explanations above, the keyword that asks you to make a judgment or share your opinion is "(evaluate)".

The answers are:

1.D: After reading the question, try to think of the answer before you look at the choices.
2.B: If you don't know the exact answer, write down whatever you know.
3.C: All parts of a statement must be true for it to be true.
4.A: Think about what you want to say and create a brief bulleted list or organizer before you begin writing.
5.B: Evaluate
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