Did Washington sign Jay's Treaty (1795) or was it just john jay & british


Yes, it was President George Washington who signed the Jay Treaty in 1795, in addition to John Jay, who negotiated the treaty on behalf of the United States. However, it is important to note that while Washington signed the treaty, it was ratified by the U.S. Senate before it could officially go into effect.

To confirm this information, you can follow these steps to find reliable sources:

1. Start by searching for "Jay Treaty" or "Jay's Treaty" using a reputable search engine like Google.
2. Look for sources that provide historical accounts or academic research on the subject. Trustworthy sources may include government archives, scholarly articles, or reputable history websites.
3. When examining the sources, pay attention to their authority and credibility. Look for evidence such as citations, expert authorship, or recognized organizations backing the information.
4. Once you find reliable sources, review the relevant sections or articles that discuss the signing of the treaty. This will help you confirm that George Washington indeed signed the Jay Treaty in 1795.

Remember, it is always important to verify information using trusted sources to ensure accuracy and reliability.