Was the Proclamation of Neutrality of 1793 a success or a failure? Did it have public support or was it opposed?


Read lots, take notes, and let us know what you decide.

The proclamation guided foreign policy for years to come.

It sparked a national debate over neutrality
b/c some people thought it was unconstitutional- president doesn't declare war (congress does) so why can the president remain neutral?

Idea that USA should remain distant from wars in Europe was very popular

a contradicting source tells me it was opposed, but I couldn't find much evidence in support of that. Most said it had limited opposition

I believe it was generally supported by the public, but was debated over at first. Is this correct?

Yes, generally supported by the public.

You're right.

The Proclamation of Neutrality of 1793, issued by President George Washington, declared the United States' intention to remain neutral in the ongoing conflict between France and Britain during the French Revolutionary Wars. Assessing whether it was a success or a failure requires considering different perspectives and outcomes.

To determine the public support or opposition to the Proclamation, you can follow these steps:

1. Research historical sources: Consult primary sources from the time, such as newspaper articles, public statements, or private correspondence, to gather insights into public opinion. Secondary sources, including historical analyses and scholarly works, can also provide valuable perspectives.

2. Examine political reactions: Explore the responses of prominent political figures and factions in the United States to gauge their approval or opposition. Look for speeches, writings, or legislative actions that illustrate the viewpoints of politicians and party leaders.

3. Assess public sentiment: Examine public demonstrations, rallies, or protests against or in favor of the Proclamation. Public opinion can be inferred from these events, as well as from opinion polls or surveys conducted during that period if available.

4. Consider historical context: Analyze the prevailing political climate and contemporary events to understand the broader context in which the Proclamation was issued. This includes factors such as the threat of war, economic considerations, foreign policy objectives, and the influence of political alliances.

By following these steps and examining the historical evidence, you can gain a clearer understanding of whether the Proclamation of Neutrality of 1793 was regarded as a success or a failure and whether it had public support or faced opposition.