This summer the number of tourists in Salem increased 4.5% from last year's total of 426,000. How many more tourists came to Salem this summer?

0.045 * 426,000 = ?

This summer the number of tourist in salem increased 4.5% from last year's total of 426,000. How many more tourists came to salem this summer?

To find out how many more tourists came to Salem this summer, we need to calculate 4.5% of last year's total number of tourists and add it to the total from last year.

Step 1: Calculate 4.5% of last year's total.
To calculate a percentage, we multiply the percentage value by the original quantity and divide by 100.
4.5% of 426,000 = (4.5 / 100) * 426,000

Let's calculate it:
(4.5 / 100) * 426,000 = 19,170

Step 2: Add the calculated value to last year's total.
To find the total number of tourists this summer, we need to add the calculated value (19,170) to the total from last year (426,000).
Total number of tourists this summer = Last year's total + Calculated value
Total number of tourists this summer = 426,000 + 19,170

Let's calculate it:
426,000 + 19,170 = 445,170

Therefore, this summer, there were 445,170 tourists in Salem, and the number of additional tourists compared to last year's total is 19,170.