How successful was organized labor in improving the position of workers in the period from 1875-1900? Analyze the factors that contributed to the level of unachievement.

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It looks as if what you need to do is learn how to conduct thorough and effective searches for yourself. That's what research is, and I'm sure that's what your teacher expects you to do -- conduct research. You are searching for information that is so specific that you have to be prepared for the possibility that none of it may be online. Or some may be, and some may not. In addition to searching on the Internet, you also need to make best friends with the reference librarian(s) in your local or college library.
At this webpage, you can go immediately to the search sites (first three columns across the top) -- or even better you can scroll down until you see the section called HOW TO SEARCH THE INTERNET. Those are the links to start with. You'll not only learn how to come up with good search terms, but also how to evaluate the webpages you get as results. Some will be good and others will be garbage. You need to know how to tell the difference.

My favorite way to search is to go to Google's advanced search page
< > and put my search words or phrases into the first or second search box (either "all the words" or "exact phrase"). However, there many other strategies for searching you can use, and the HOW TO SEARCH THE INTERNET section will help you best.

Learning to use Google or other search engines can save you time and help you learn to find information efficiently. Here are some websites that can teach you how:

... and one to help you judge whether a particular website's information is worth your time:

Happy searching.


How successful was organized labor in improving the position of workers in the period from 1875-1900? Analyze the factors that contributed to the level of unachievement.

To analyze the success of organized labor in improving the position of workers in the period from 1875-1900, you can follow these steps:

1. Start by conducting a thorough search using credible sources such as academic journals, books, and reputable websites.
- Utilize your library's resources and consult with a reference librarian for guidance in locating relevant materials.
- You can also use online search engines like Google or databases like JSTOR to find scholarly articles on the topic.
- Consider using specific keywords related to organized labor, workers' rights, strikes, unions, and relevant time period (1875-1900).

2. Evaluate the sources you find to ensure their credibility and reliability.
- Consider the author's qualifications and expertise on the subject.
- Check for publication dates to ensure the information is relevant to the time period you are studying.
- Look for biases or conflicting information and try to find multiple sources that support or counter the same arguments.

3. Thoroughly read and take notes on the information you gather.
- Pay attention to the achievements and advancements brought about by organized labor during the given time period.
- Look for evidence of improved wages, shorter working hours, improved working conditions, and any other benefits obtained by workers.
- Additionally, identify any limitations, setbacks, or factors that contributed to the limited success of organized labor during this period.

4. Organize the information and analyze the factors that contributed to the level of achievement or lack thereof.
- Consider economic, political, and social factors that may have influenced the success of organized labor.
- Evaluate the strength and effectiveness of labor unions in negotiating with employers and governments.
- Assess any barriers or opposition faced by organized labor, such as anti-union sentiments, government regulations, or economic downturns.
- Identify any internal issues within the organized labor movement that hindered its progress.

5. Based on your research and analysis, form your own thesis or argument about the success of organized labor during the given period.
- Support your thesis with evidence from the sources you have collected.
- Consider the overall impact of organized labor on workers' conditions and the significance of any accomplishments or limitations.

Remember, the purpose of this analysis is for you to critically examine the question and develop your own understanding of the topic.