Parentheses in number sentence (30-15)*2=


15 * 2 = 30


PEMDAS is often used, but doesnt help if you dont know what it means. So Ill tell you :) Parenthases, exponants, multiplication, division, addition, subtraction

To understand the role of parentheses in the given number sentence, let's break it down step by step.

The expression inside the parentheses, (30-15), represents an operation where we subtract 15 from 30. Following the order of operations (also known as PEMDAS or BODMAS), we should perform the subtraction first.

30 - 15 = 15

Now we have the simplified expression 15 * 2 remaining from the original number sentence.

Multiplying 15 by 2:

15 * 2 = 30

Thus, the value of the number sentence (30 - 15) * 2 is 30.