In Ray Bradbury’s short story “A Sound of Thunder,” which of Mr. Eckels’s character traits leads to drastic consequences for the rest of the world? (1 point)

his lack of curiosity
his carelessness
his fearfulness***
his greed

No offence Ms. Sue, if you don't know the answer, just don't say anything please

Just took the test and the correct answer should have been B, his carelessness

It's funny how Ms. Sue keeps getting clowned

Mine says fearlessness not fearfulness

yea same, that girl must of gotten the wrong answer lol


To determine which of Mr. Eckels's character traits leads to drastic consequences for the rest of the world in Ray Bradbury's short story "A Sound of Thunder," we need to closely analyze the text. Here's the process to find the answer:

1. Read and understand the short story: Start by reading and understanding the events, actions, and consequences in the story. Pay close attention to Mr. Eckels's behavior and how it affects the world.

2. Analyze Mr. Eckels's character traits: Identify and evaluate Mr. Eckels's different character traits throughout the story. Consider how those traits influence his decisions and actions.

3. Look for evidence of consequences: Examine the narrative to find evidence of the consequences that arise from Mr. Eckels's behavior. Look for specific events or outcomes that result from his actions.

4. Consider the options: With your analysis in mind, evaluate each of the provided options: lack of curiosity, carelessness, fearfulness, and greed. Determine which trait aligns most with the consequences observed in the story.

Based on my analysis, the character trait that leads to drastic consequences for the rest of the world in "A Sound of Thunder" is Mr. Eckels's fearfulness. Due to his fear, he panics and strays from the outlined path, inadvertently crushing a butterfly in the prehistoric era. This seemingly small change in the past ultimately has a domino effect, leading to significant alterations in the present and a dystopian future.

Therefore, the correct answer is: his fearfulness.

Thanks just wanted to cheek it.

You're welcome. :-)

I agree.